Get a UK Phone Number in France or Switzerland with Vonage


Vonage provides a simple, low-cost voice over IP (VoIP) telephony solution for private individuals and businesses. The Vonage service works via a low-cost adapter unit which allows any normal telephone to be conncted to the Vonage network via the Internet. There is no need for a landline – if your Internet connection is via cable or satellite it doesn’t matter.

When you sign up to Vonage you are provided with a UK phone number with a normal geographical (i .e. beginning with 01 or 02) area code. Vonage offers various call plans, the cheapest of which costs £5.99 a month +VAT and gives unlimited calls to UK landlines. Calls to UK mobiles are 13p a minute. For £7.99 a month you can sign up for their “V-Plan 2” call plan which gives unlimited calls to ten European countries including France and Switzerland as well as the USA, Canada, Australia & New Zealand.

Because the service works over the Internet, you can plug your Vonage adapter into your ADSL or cable router anywhere in the world and make calls for the same price as if you were in the UK. Additionally, people in the UK can call you without having to use an international dialling prefix – if their call plan gives them unlimited UK landlane calls (which is pretty standard these days) it won’t cost them a penny to call you or your business wherever you happen to be based.

For businesses which operate in Europe and deal with a largely British clientele, Vonage can offer significant cost savings when communicating with clients prior to them traveling and especially during their trip or holiday when they will only be reachable via their UK mobiles. With Vonage all landline calls are included in the monthly call charge and calls to mobiles cost only 13p a minute irrespective of where the user is. Clients will still have to pay roaming charges if their provider still penalises them in this way, however for businesse such as ski schools in France or Switzerland which make many calls to UK clients’ mobiles when they are in the ski resort, Vonage offers the potential for serious savings on phone bills.

To sign up for Vonage you will need a UK delivery address for them to send your VoIP adapter to and you will have to arrange for someone to send the box to you via post or courier. If you don’t have a UK address you can arrange for delivery to Feathered Owl Technology’s premises in London and we can arrange onward shipment.

Feathered Owl Technology is a Vonage afilliate and has succesfully implemened Vonage for a number of customers. To find out more about the Vonage service and how it can help you save money on call charges in France or Switzerland please contact us via our website where you can also place an order for Vonage via the affiliate link on our homepage. Or you can just click on the Vonage logo at the top of this post.

Feathered Owl Technology is an independent IT consultancy based in London, UK (and various Alpine locations during the winter). To find out how your brand can benefit from our website, search engine optimization, telecommunications & IT consultancy services, please email us or or submit a comment to this blog post. |

4 responses to “Get a UK Phone Number in France or Switzerland with Vonage”

  1. Want istall a Vonage phone in Switzerland, wanted to know if its possible with +41 code.
